2025-02-22 10:29 AM
I am operating a LSM6DSL with a LIS3MDL in sensor hub mode, where the DRDY pin from the LIS3MDL is connected to the INT2 pin of the LSM6DSL. Basically, it works. However, there is a problem during initialization.
In order to configure the LIS3MDL, the I2C master interface of the LSM6DSL requires a trigger signal. As long as the LIS3MDL is not in continuous mode, this trigger can only come from the accelerometer. This means that in the MASTER_CONFIG register, START_CONFIG is set to 0. This allows me to switch the LIS3MDL to continuous mode using the appropriate commands but configures the INT2 at the same time as an output.
However, when the LIS3MDL starts controlling the DRDY signal, there is a short circuit between the INT2 and DRDY pins because DRDY is also an output. In this case, around 70 mA flows through the pin, which can't be good. Only when START_CONFIG is set to 1 the INT2 pin is switched to an input.
I haven’t found any solution to this issue. I would like to configure the INT2 pin of the LSM6DSL permanently as an input since the connected DRDY pin of the LIS3MDL is an output. How can this be achieved, or what is the intended approach here?
Can the short circuit be avoided or are the devices designed to withstand this?
2025-02-22 10:43 AM
Additionally, I would like to mention that I can only set START_CONFIG to 1 after the continuous mode—and thus DRDY—has been activated. This makes it currently impossible to avoid the short circuit.
2025-03-16 1:08 PM
Maybe a Zener diode? You do want one-way current after all.