MEMS (sensors)

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How to configure an LSM6DSO to detect device motion?

Hi,I want to configure the LSM6DSO to trigger an interrupt on INT2 when the device starts and stops moving. I used the following configuration, but I can only detect taps on the vertical axis: // LSM6DSO datasheet pg 74 // (00: stationary/motion-onl...

Myzhar by Associate III
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Resolved! H3LIS331DLTR produces abnormal readings

Hi! We have been evaluating a few accelerometers from ST. So far we have seen reasonable results from H3LIS100 and H3LIS200 devices.However, H3LIS331DLTR is behaving contrary to our expectations.We have the H3LIS331DLTR device on a PCB, interfaced vi...

NTamb.2 by Associate
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configuring Compasses , Accelerometer , gyroscope

I am a nobe to these Mems sensor , i understood how to write the drivers of these sensors , setes its register to get raw values but i am unable to understand how to configure the internal settings of these In Compass sensor we have to c...

Chopra.1 by Associate II
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self test fail in some PCB having LIS2DW12TR.

we are performing accelerometer self test in production tester for measuring performance of flow:reading x y z axis in 5 samples, clearing FIFO enabling self test. and giving settling time of 20ms delay. then taking 5 samples x y z ax...

Ashet.1 by Associate
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How to calculate dBSPL from sound level

Hello all,I have a question regarding the MEMS audio sensor MP23DB01HP. I managed to read out the Soundlevel of the sensor. But I don't know how to interpret this value. My question is, how can I convert the soundlevel to obtain a corresponding value...

riyolu by Associate
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LIS2DW12 Anti Tampering Application

I need to develop an application of anti tampering using LIS2DW12 and it's interrupt function. I'm using ST's official library and functions from: have alrea...

GBaue.2 by Associate
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