User Activity

Hi,The output of MotionDI algorithm is Roll and Pitch angles. How can I convert Roll-Pitch-Yaw to Phi-Theta-Psi? Thanks.
Hi,Does anyone know an FM radio receiver IC with Linux driver? Thanks.
Hi,Is there any Yocto layer which can be added to ST's Linux distribution to connect smartphones such as Android Auto/Apple CarPlay? Thanks in advance.
Hello,What is the best (fastest and reliable) way to program a blank eMMC for mass production? In my custom board, the device will boot from eMMC, no SD card is available. The default pins are shown in the link below. For other data pins is there an...
Hello,Are there any examples for implementation FIR filter on accelerometer and gyro data with programmable cut-off frequency? It would be better if CMSIS DSP functions are used.
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