MEMS (sensors)

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I fail to get LSM6DSL data continuously

Hello,I like to read data from the LSM6DSL continuously. But I am not able to choose the correct settings for the FIFO register. If I set it to "Continuous mode. If the FIFO is full, the new sample overwrites the older one"It will stop after a few se...

DNuen.2 by Associate II
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STEVAL-BCNKT01V1 works properly (I can listen to my voice in input in my headphones) when connected through USB in my Raspberry Pi 4, but it doesn't work as microphone in the apps. E.g. : browsers, programs ecc...

I did a lot of trials: the raspian OS seems to have drivers problems because if I do a Google voice search (or in others web applications) I can see the mic icon moving but my words are not recognised. While on my MacBook the mic works properly by th...

SGiud.1 by Associate
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Resolved! I am using B-L475E-IOT01A board in that I am using Accelerometer sensor to read the vibrations that will be in time dominie , I want to convert into frequency dominie for that FFT is required. so, I want FP-CLD-WATSON1 package library required.

FP-CLD-WATSON1 package library file will support to plot FFT graph..can any one share link of that library file.. I could not found that.Thanks in Advance...

DNani.2 by Associate
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LIS3DH - Android screen rotation.

Hello everyone,We are working on an Android 11 i.MX8MM based board which has the LIS3DH accelerometer.From the Kernel perspective we used the following IIO drivers.Kernel-source/drivers/iio/accel/st_accel_i2c.cKernel-source/drivers/iio/accel/st_accel...

EVazq.1 by Associate
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How to integrate LSM303AGR in STM32CubeIDE with STM32L4

Hey all! I'm doing a client project where I'm integrating an LSM303AGR on a custom board. I've included the XCUBE-MEMS package into STM32CubeIDE, and selected the LSM303AGR and set the I2C settings in the platform settings. This gives me LSM303AGR.C/...