2022-10-13 1:48 AM
Hi community,
I'm using a LIS3DH MEMS on our propriety board with a ST32L476 MCU.
When trying to read x, y, z, channels I get correct data for y and z, but x (Registers 0x28 and 0x29) always return 0x80 0x80.
Sometimes after power up the board, all three channels work as expected!
The behaviour is the same with SPI or I2C interface.
I made a dump of all registers to see the configuration:
SELFTEST OK, all channels are readable.
Reg: 0x7 = 0xFF
Reg: 0x8 = 0x0
Reg: 0x9 = 0x0
Reg: 0xA = 0x0
Reg: 0xB = 0x0
Reg: 0xC = 0x0
Reg: 0xD = 0x0
Reg: 0xE = 0x0
Reg: 0xF = 0x33
Reg: 0x10 = 0x9C
Reg: 0x11 = 0xB
Reg: 0x12 = 0x90
Reg: 0x13 = 0x31
Reg: 0x14 = 0xB1
Reg: 0x15 = 0x33
Reg: 0x16 = 0x1C
Reg: 0x17 = 0x24
Reg: 0x18 = 0x28
Reg: 0x19 = 0x9E
Reg: 0x1A = 0x70
Reg: 0x1B = 0x75
Reg: 0x1C = 0xC0
Reg: 0x1D = 0x0
Reg: 0x1E = 0x10
Reg: 0x1F = 0x0
Reg: 0x20 = 0x27
Reg: 0x21 = 0x0
Reg: 0x22 = 0x0
Reg: 0x23 = 0x0
Reg: 0x24 = 0x0
Reg: 0x25 = 0x0
Reg: 0x26 = 0x0
Reg: 0x27 = 0xFF
Reg: 0x28 = 0x0
Reg: 0x29 = 0x3
Reg: 0x2A = 0x80
Reg: 0x2B = 0xFF
Reg: 0x2C = 0xC0
Reg: 0x2D = 0x3D
Reg: 0x2E = 0x0
Reg: 0x2F = 0x20
Reg: 0x30 = 0x0
Reg: 0x31 = 0x0
Reg: 0x32 = 0x0
Reg: 0x33 = 0x0
Reg: 0x34 = 0x0
Reg: 0x35 = 0x0
Reg: 0x36 = 0x0
Reg: 0x37 = 0x0
Reg: 0x38 = 0x0
Reg: 0x39 = 0x0
Reg: 0x3A = 0x0
Reg: 0x3B = 0x0
Reg: 0x3C = 0x0
Reg: 0x3D = 0x0
Reg: 0x3E = 0x0
Reg: 0x3F = 0x0
SELFTEST FAILED, only y and z are readable,
Reg: 0x7 = 0xFF
Reg: 0x8 = 0x0
Reg: 0x9 = 0x0
Reg: 0xA = 0x0
Reg: 0xB = 0x0
Reg: 0xC = 0x0
Reg: 0xD = 0x0
Reg: 0xE = 0x0
Reg: 0xF = 0x33
Reg: 0x10 = 0x35
Reg: 0x11 = 0xC
Reg: 0x12 = 0x22
Reg: 0x13 = 0x31
Reg: 0x14 = 0xB1
Reg: 0x15 = 0x35
Reg: 0x16 = 0x28
Reg: 0x17 = 0x22
Reg: 0x18 = 0x1B
Reg: 0x19 = 0xAD
Reg: 0x1A = 0x80
Reg: 0x1B = 0x85
Reg: 0x1C = 0xC0
Reg: 0x1D = 0x0
Reg: 0x1E = 0x10
Reg: 0x1F = 0x0
Reg: 0x20 = 0x27
Reg: 0x21 = 0x0
Reg: 0x22 = 0x0
Reg: 0x23 = 0x0
Reg: 0x24 = 0x0
Reg: 0x25 = 0x0
Reg: 0x26 = 0x0
Reg: 0x27 = 0xFF
Reg: 0x28 = 0x80
Reg: 0x29 = 0x80
Reg: 0x2A = 0x80
Reg: 0x2B = 0xF8
Reg: 0x2C = 0xC0
Reg: 0x2D = 0x3D
Reg: 0x2E = 0x0
Reg: 0x2F = 0x20
Reg: 0x30 = 0x0
Reg: 0x31 = 0x0
Reg: 0x32 = 0x0
Reg: 0x33 = 0x0
Reg: 0x34 = 0x0
Reg: 0x35 = 0x0
Reg: 0x36 = 0x0
Reg: 0x37 = 0x0
Reg: 0x38 = 0x0
Reg: 0x39 = 0x0
Reg: 0x3A = 0x0
Reg: 0x3B = 0x0
Reg: 0x3C = 0x0
Reg: 0x3D = 0x0
Reg: 0x3E = 0x0
Reg: 0x3F = 0x0
As you can see, register 0x10, which is reserved, not documented and should not be modified, differs.
But I did and wrote 0x9C in Register 0x10, and by magic everything is fine, all channels are working reliable,
Does anybody has the same experience or can see, what I am doing wrong?
I read my data with the following code:
bool LIS3DH::raw(int16_t& x, int16_t& y, int16_t& z) const {
/* --Check if new data is available. */
while (!GETBIT(status(), ZYXDA));
bool ret = true;
uint32_t len=7;
uint8_t buffer[7]; // 2 bytes per channel + register
SETBIT(buffer[0],READBIT); // set read mode!
SETBIT(buffer[0],AUTOINC); // set multiple reads!
ret = read(buffer, len);
uint8_t count = 1;
x = buffer[count] + (buffer[count+1] << 8);
count += 2;
y = buffer[count] + (buffer[count+1] << 8);
count += 2;
z = buffer[count] + (buffer[count+1] << 8);
return ret;
2022-10-25 6:58 AM
Hello @Jürgen Wübbelmann and welcome to the Community :grinning_face:
Please do not try to change the content of the reserved registers (like register 0x10) as recommended the Datasheet.Foued
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2022-10-25 7:19 AM
Hello @KHALSI_Foued
thank you for your reply!
Yes, I know I shouldn't do it and I wouldn't do it if the LIS3DH would give me correct values.
But it doesn't and a write to Register 0x10 is the only way to motivate the sensor to give the correct values for the x axis. At every power on we have the "wrong" value again in 0x10.
It seems our sensors do not load the correct calibration values from non-volatile memory at start-up. I don't know why.
Note that the behaviour is not for just one device, nearly all of our PCBs show this behaviour.
2022-10-25 7:33 AM
"Writing to those registers may cause permanent damage to the device.
The content of the registers that are loaded at boot should not be changed. They contain the
factory calibration values.
Their content is automatically restored when the device is powered up." (7. Register mapping (Datasheet LIS3DH))
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2022-10-25 7:47 AM
Thanks again.
The problem is: We first had the erroneous behaviour and than started looking for a difference and changing reserved registers.
I still don't know what we are doing wrong other then changing reserved registers at a device which for an unknown reason does not do what it is supposed to do. :\
2022-10-26 5:40 AM
Hi @Jürgen Wübbelmann ,
Are you facing the issue only on 1 device?
The REG 10h is a reserved register, which refers to a coarse calibration, but you should not see the X axis stuck if this register is failing at boot. You might try to characterize the power on event (Vdd ramp, level, Vddio): for example, it is better to keep Vdd and VddIO are suggested to stay at the same level (>2V)
2022-10-26 7:38 AM
Hi @Eleon BORLINI ,
thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately we face the issue on most, but not all of our boards.
Sometime a board working ok for a while starts to show the strange behaviour without any writes to the reserved registers.
Find below a picture of the Vdd ramp with Vdd = 3.3V, time resolution 50us/div, so after approx. 200us Vdd is stable. Vdd and VddIO are directly connected, as we use a STM32L476RG Nucleo Board with 3.3V on SPI or I2C signals respectively. In my Software I have a 100ms delay before accessing the device for the first time, configuration see in my first post.
I assume that there is a HW or SW problem in our design as the LIS3DH is on the market for years, but I have absolutely no idea what we are doing wrong.