MEMS (sensors)

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Resolved! LSM6DSO - not reading back what i've written. SW reset issue.

Hi,I'm trying to configure an LSM6DSO (sparkfun breakout), using a TWIM/I2C bus, master device is a nordic NRF52.For the most part, the communications appear to be working. I'm able to configure an interrupt to respond to a single tap. The interrupt ...

shows.1 by Associate
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LIS331HH self-test output change with voltage

We have performed the self test on two prototype boards,as instructed in this post: x and y differences are around 135, which is in the range, but on the z axi...

SVozl.1 by Associate
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The MotionFX library provide me quaternion and rotation angles (roll pitch and yaw). It is possible to obtain the accuracy for these data from the Library?

Hi, I'm using a board which embeds two ST MEMS: ism330dhcx and lis3mdl. I'm exploiting the MotionFX Library to obtain quaternion and rotation. Which is the way to obtain accuracy regarding roll pitch and yaw. I want to understand how close is the val...

VNava.1 by Associate III
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problem with input Raw data

HI I am using STEVAL-MKI182v2 sensor connected to Nucleo-F446ZE Evaluation board and printing the data and found that there is no any changes between i/p and o/p data even after using the library functions and so i started debugging step by step in t...

Anil3 by Associate III
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Customization of ATT_MTU on the

Hello, I'm currently using a ST STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 in Expert Mode (by writing the firmware with the STM32CubeIDE).I configured the to "publish" data on 3 GATT Characteristics that are quite big (around 180 byte), with the...

pignaz by Associate
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