MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Tilt compensated heading using LIS2MDL and LSM6DSL

Hi,In one of our projects we have to use the accelerometer LSM6DSL, and magnetometer LIS2MDL. The tilt-compensated magnetic heading have to be computed in accordance with the values read from these sensors. We have the respective EVKs connected to ou...


Hello! I am currently working with an LSM6DS0 IMU (3D accelerometer + 3D gyroscope), and I would like to use the embedded FIFO in Continuous mode. I have a question regarding the sequence of the samples in the FIFO and what is the proper way to read them

As far as I can understand from the datasheet, the FIFO is shared and there is no guarantee in the sequence of the samples. For instance, accelerometer and gyroscope samples can be interleaved (e.g. first 2 samples are 3-axial accelerometer measureme...

PMylo.1 by Associate II
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LPS33HW - i2c connection

Hi Guys, i have connected the LPS33HW sensor to my circuitPython code. i have also added another sensor on the same i2c peripheral (bus). one is addressed 0x5d (original), the other i changed the address as advised to 0x5c. however when i run both se...

sadam.11 by Associate
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