MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

LSM6DSL Power Consumption

Hello,I am writing a firmware with nrf52832 microcontroller and I have interfaced ST's LSM6DSL module. I am facing some issues regarding power consumption of LSM6DSL module. I have used 10K resistors with sda, scl, sdO and cs pins is this correct.I a...

yash2530 by Associate II
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LPS25HBTR pressure reading decreasing over time

I have bought a MKI-165V1 to test LPS25HBTR,but I find that the pressure value is decreasing for a long time ,from 1014.117 to 1002.970 in an hour.It is not stable,the next is my initial code,what is the reason for ituint8_t data = 0x90;HAL_I2C_Mem_W...

2067 by Associate II
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Resolved! ISM330DLC fifo settings issue

HiI managed to read both accelerometer and gyroscope ISM330DLC in "polling" mode with INT1 pin with 3330 output data rate, but my goal is to reach peak data rate (6660 samples / s) so I need to use FIFO and this is where my problems start, I dont kno...

amistar by Associate
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Resolved! LIS2MDL BDU only works for 3 axis independent readouts

HI, it seems to me that reading the LIS2MDL sensor only works correctly if I read first the X axis, then the Y axis, and finally the Z axis separately, each axis in a separate SPI transaction. My settings:- continuous measurement, output data rate se...

amistar by Associate
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Resolved! Get IIS2DH data with data ready interrupt

Hello everyone,I'm using the II2SDH accelerometer and want to collect the data whenever the Data Ready Interrupt is fired. I'm using the INT1 pin for that and this is my configuration: SPI_WriteByte(CTRL_REG1, 0x9f); // Low power mode, 5.376Hz dat...

LIS3DH FIFO Full Interrupt

I need to configure LIS3DH to generate FIFO full interrupt in INT1 pin. Once my MCU gets the hardware interrupt, it will read entire FIFO. And the loop should continue. Can anyone help me what are the correct steps to configure and read FIFO?Regards,...

ABane.1 by Associate III
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ISM330DLC misalignment measurement result

Hi, I use the ISM330DLC to measure the tilting of an excavator arm (similar to an inclinometer). I have observed that some ISM330DLC accelerometer sensors exhibit misalignment in their Z-axis measurements. For example, while the X and Y axes produce ...

deddy11 by Associate II
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stm32f405 with mp34dt... without I2s

I am using an adafruit stm32f405 feather, with the hal rather than arduino. I have I2c, and CDCworking now, and would like to add audio functionality with a mems mic.The I2s pins are available pins, but the clock cannot get to a low enough speed(1MHZ...

olpol by Associate
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