MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Sensor to detect plastic film, edge detection

Hello,  Could someone please recommend a TOF sensor(or other) for reliable plastic sheet detection.Application: Measure the width of a sheet or film of plastic in production environment.  We would use  two sensors to detect the edges of the film.  We...

MyMack by Associate II
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IMU with or withour magnetometer

HiI am not an IMU expert. My current task is to upgrade an old board which used LSM6DSL(gyro abd accelerometer ) and lsm303agr(Magnetometer) to caliculate orientation of a human head.As far as I can see LSM6DSV would be providing orientation data wit...

MK..1 by Associate III
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  • 0 kudos PRO : Record human activity and pedometer

Hello, @Andrea VITALI,After using the WESU board ( decided to move forward with the sensor tile box PRO. We want to record human activity recognition and pedometer inf...

pierre63 by Associate II
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Resolved! SPI NSS-Signal by Hardware, using IIS3DWB on an STM32L432 MCU

Hello!We are developing with the sensor IIS3DWB. I am able to interface it by spi like mentioned in st's github example, and I'm able to use st's platform independend c-drivers. It works fine, I get Acceleration, Temperature, device-ID...In that exam...

PR.4 by Associate II
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LSM6DSO not reading 1G at rest

I  am writing my own library in C++ to operate the LSM6DSO and when the sensor is at rest it reads 0.5 G on the z-axis, I've tried the code with 2 ICs, one in an Adafruit breakout board, and another one in an old PCB that had the sensor soldered one ...

Diogo_Goto_0-1739051739233.png Diogo_Goto_1-1739054006872.png Diogo_Goto_2-1739054522593.png

STM32WB15CC (B-WB1M-WPAN) cannot initilize MotionFx

I've been using B-WB1M-WPAN board with a modified example of motion service from BLE_HR_p2p_Sensor. but with IMU readings with a steval-mki217v1 shield connected with SPI.I already have the CRC checked from CubeMX generation. So far I have been able ...

Zefie by Associate
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Lis3dh reading not repeatable/stable

HiWe are developing a project in which we are using LIS3DH to calculate the angle and based on that angle we stop/start an actuator.The sensor is mounted on a PCB which is aligned along x axis i.e. when stationary the acceleration in x axis is 1g * 9...


lis2dw12 linux driver difference

there are two kinds of linux driver for lis2dw12 in LIS2DW12 - 3轴MEMS加速度计,超低功耗,可配置单/双击识别,自由落体,唤醒,纵向/横向,6D/4D方向检测 - 意法半导体STMicroelectronics which is LinuxDriverIIO and LinuxDriverInput,1.what's the difference, which should we use, Do you have an appli...

xuehua by Associate
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