MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

ism330dhcx ctrl3_c sw_reset I2C callback behavour

Hello awsome peaple of the ST fourms,I've been writing a program on the MB1551-U585AI1-D01 STM32U5 dev board, after getting DMA working and writing some AzureRTOS aware platform functions for the MEMS sensors on the board I have been very successful ...

Gravity problems on IIS3DWB

Hello community, I am an electronics engineer at the CNRS in Montpellier (France). I am currently working with the IIS3DWB vibration sensor When I use the LFP2 low-pass filter, the action of gravity is added to the measurements. I use the following d...

LPS25HBTR pressure reading decreasing over time

I have bought a MKI-165V1 to test LPS25HBTR,but I find that the pressure value is decreasing for a long time ,from 1014.117 to 1002.970 in an hour.It is not stable,the next is my initial code,what is the reason for ituint8_t data = 0x90;HAL_I2C_Mem_W...

2067 by Associate II
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Resolved! LSM6DS3 + LIS3MDL calibration

Hello, Our teams is making a proof of concept about dead reckoning using a STM WESU board. The goal is to get pedestrian position onyl using ACC/GYR/MAG for a short period of time and small moves.First results in certains conditions are pretty good. ...

pierre63 by Associate II
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Resolved! Accelerometers comparison

Dear community,I am selecting an accelerometer to use in a project and I am looking for some advice.Essentially I am looking for the highest performance accelerometer (regarding noise) in the STM portfolio.The sensor requirements are: ~±2g scale supp...

dburgt98 by Associate II
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Resolved! LSM303DLHC software

Hi ThereWhere I can find some source files for LSM303DLHCI see some ref.links there, but right now they pointed to non-existed pages on github :( Or I miss somethingAlso I found this link but it ...

LPS22HBTR sensor data error.

Dear ST/Forum,Your attention would be much appreciated for a technical enquiry.We are using the LPS22HB pressure and temperature sensors in some electronics for an experiment that will be onboard the International Space Station (ISS) in orbit later t...

DuncanR by Associate II
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