MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Lis3dh reading not repeatable/stable

HiWe are developing a project in which we are using LIS3DH to calculate the angle and based on that angle we stop/start an actuator.The sensor is mounted on a PCB which is aligned along x axis i.e. when stationary the acceleration in x axis is 1g * 9...

pthakkar by Associate II
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LSM6DSO analog anti aliasing

Hi,I would like to confirm if setting LSM6DSO ODR to 6.66KHz and LPF2 to ODR/10 (resulting to 666Hz bandwidth), then setting a FIFO decimation factor of 8 (resulting to 833hz FIFO ODR) will work in preventing aliasing for signals above 417Hz? We have...

adrianT by Visitor
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Resolved! LPF2 on IIS3DWB and anti-alias

I use IIS3DWB with no LPF2 enabled, and I understand the Frequency response shown in Figure 13 at page 20 of the datasheet.I know that I can enable low-pass LPF2 filter, but from the same graph I don't understand if this filter can be enabled as a ha...

vix by Associate II
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MEMS Acceleromter

Hello,I am looking for MEMS accelerometer for seismic application.We need low noise, up to 100Hz bandwidth, full scale +-2g range.I consider IIS3DHHC as a candidate, which has features as below:3-axis, ±2.5 g full-scaleUltra-low noise performance: 45...

MEMS Studio Not Detecting STEVAL-MKI109D

I followed 'STEVAL-MKI109D Professional MEMS Tool motherboard for MEMS adapter boards' and installed MEMS Studio.I then placed STEVAL-MKI250KA on STEVAL-MKI109D by following UM3420 and AN6173.  When I boot MEMS Studio, it just does not recognise the ...

no conn.png
seanjm by Associate
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stuck trying to get STEVAL MKBOXPro connected

Hi I purchase a STEVAL MKBOXPro. It connects to phone and app fine but i'm having trouble to get the device connected to MEMS studio and Unicleo GUI  BLE Connection issue... 1. device manager detects STBOX but does not connect on MEMS studio and Unic...