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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 1.17.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.17.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX: Added the support for the STM32N6 seriesAdded the support for ...

Float value gives hard fault in STMCubeIDE

Dear All:I want to use the FPU module in STM32F407,But how can i use it in STM32Cubeide?and i use UCOS_III.If I define a floating point data,when i use this data,it will be case HardFault.add the libopen the FPUdefine __VFP_FP__but in SystemInit FPU ...

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赵静.1 by Associate
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#define example file on CubeIDE

Does someone could point out where can I find one CubeIDE file full of complex "#define" examples? When I use more sofisticated #define into Cube IDE I receive tons of "error" messages (I mean "error message" not warnings). But into other compilers t...

JSILV.2 by Senior
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STM32F746IGT with DAC enabled

Hi,I am using Stm32CubeIDE v1.3.1 with my custom STM32F746IG board and touchGFX enabled (working properly with 800x480 paralel LCD). I have tried to play with DAC channels (Channel1-2). I can not get it work through the examples with DMA enabled or w...

istepne by Associate III
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AKuma.10 by Associate
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View Stack pointer in Stm32Cube IDE

Hi,I have just started with STM32 and got some basic programs running. I wanted to understand stack pointer and program counter.Please help me how do i view Stack pointer in CubeIDE during Debug mode.IDE version 1.3.0

A memory hole! what does this mean?

Dear experts,I'm debugging a program on STM32H753 in Atollic TS 9.3 and see something weird.It looks like unreadable hole in D1 RAM from 0x24013880 to 0x24013BAFIs this artifact of the Atollic's debugger, or???The chip runs at 400 MHz

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Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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