2021-02-03 11:48 AM
STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.5.1 increases Flash usage. "Disable thread-safe initialization of local static objects" (as recommended in release notes) increases Flash usage further.
How to get the previous version's build size?
(Needed for an STM32L01 project)
2021-02-03 12:16 PM
That option is only for C++. And the value "disable" should make the code the same as before. Most likely the code size increase comes from other changes. All in all... If you care the code size (and performance, stability, usability), then don't use a pile of broken bloatware in the first place.
2021-02-03 4:08 PM
Well, that wasn't quite the answer I was hoping for, but thank you. Alas, I don't have time to change all the HAL commands; I will reinstall 1.4.1 for the remainder of the project.