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Hi,I managed to implement a dual VCOM composite device for an STM32H7. In principal the communication works, if both COM ports are actively used/open. One port is used for sending commands and receiving responses. The other one sends out unsolicited ...
Hi,we have a PHY with several bootstraps. Some of them are shared with the RMII from a STM32H753 (see image below, controller is on the left).A FreeRTOS+TCP network stack is used, which, when rebooted, first does some low level inits with HAL_ETH_Ini...
Hi,because of RAM limitations I decided to try out the L8 color encoding, which is supported by the LTDC of my STM32H753. The basic function is working now, however not to a satisfying extent.In the CubeIDE V 1.5.0, under TouchGFX 4.16, only 8 Bit co...
Hello everyone,I'm running a webserver on a STM32H7. Code was generated with CubeIDE 1.5.0, using LwIP V2.1.2 and the Firmware-Package V1.8.0. So far, I had no problems receiving or transmitting smaller files, in the x-xx kB range from the MCU to a c...
Hi everyone,when using the CubeIDE 1.5.0 I encountered unexpected behaviour. I set up the Ethernet peripheral of the STM32H7 in a way that I have 14 Rx and 14 Tx ETH descriptors: However, after generation the code only specifies 4 descriptors each:At...