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I have the latest STM32F407G-DISC1 board Rev D.The software demos you download are not supported by CubeIDE.  The applications notes do not reference CubeIDE. (UM1467) is the name of the demo files.I tried to import exa...
I was able to import STMF4DISCOVERY_Ethernet-Phy-SystemWorkbench project into STM32Cube IDE. However, it seems the pathnames are a bit messed up. For example, it failed to find the make file. So is there a cookbook procedure to do this? Or am I b...
Posted on July 06, 2018 at 00:09I'm new to ST but have extensive experience with Eclipse and other ARM M cores..I created a simple 'blinky' program using STM32CubxMX and ST32M System Workbench on a STM32F769-DISC0 Discovery Board.The LED toggles onc...