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STM32CubeIDE, Version: 1.13.1, Build: 17479_20230728_0839 (UTC)STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32U5 Series, Version: 1.3.0I am using USBX with enabled USB Device FS and AUDIO Device Class FS.I found following problems and issues:USBX/App/ux_device_descr...
STM32U585 (USB_OTG_FS), latest CubeIDE (USBX 6.2.0)I implemented USB Audio 1.0 Microphone Descriptor into ThreadX USBX (using builder framework). Descriptor works, (no errors, microphone is shown in audio control), but no audio is received. It seems ...
According to this pull request, FatFS with DMA doesn't work on H7/F7 if cache is enabled.For this, two members in structs (in FatFS) needs to be aligned (even, when I have _MAX_SS as number dividable by 32) to FatFS work (check PR). But, the CubeMX e...
Hello,I'm trying to get multi-buffer DMA on ADC working. I modified `HAL_ADC_Start_DMA` function to use `HAL_DMAEx_MultiBufferStart_IT`instead of `HAL_DMA_Start_IT.But for some reason, M0 Completion Callback is executed multiple times before switchin...
Hello,I was searching in every STM32 CubeMX pack examples for ADC DMA with Double / Multiple Buffering. But I found nothing.I found in dma_ex hal file the functions like HAL_DMAEx_MultiBufferStart (or HAL_DMAEx_MultiBufferStart_IT), but they aren't u...