2021-02-07 2:42 PM
I have the latest STM32F407G-DISC1 board Rev D.
The software demos you download are not supported by CubeIDE. The applications notes do not reference CubeIDE. (UM1467)
STM32F4-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0.zip is the name of the demo files.
I tried to import examples into my work bench using File-->Import-->general-->Existing Projects into Workspace.
None of the examples will compile. There are path issues. It's looking for the CMSIS library in C:\ Libraries\CMSIS which were not installed there by CubeIDE.
So what do I do? It seems I should be able to build the demos using the CubeIDE.
By the way, I am able to create new projects using CubeMX, but I really don't want to re-invent the wheel.
2021-02-07 5:14 PM
Please import the example projects as explained in the CubeIDE user manual.
Import-->Existing Projects into Workspace isn't expected to work, this action can import only projects already in CubeIDE format. it will not convert from other formats.
-- pa
2021-02-07 7:26 PM
It is probably old enough to be using SPL
For HAL examples, look under the CubeF4 repository trees for the board, and applications/demos