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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 1.17.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.17.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX: Added the support for the STM32N6 seriesAdded the support for ...

Resolved! STM32CubeIDE, v1.13.0 compile warning

Hi,I just upgraded and migrated my project to CubeIDE v1.13.0, everything works fine with STM32H750 chip.But I found a compile warning in main.c which is belongs to generated code.Is it possible to fix this warning in the next version? Thanks!BRs,-En...

Engin Lee by Associate II
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Color codes on SWV ITM Data Console

Hi, Is there a way to use color codes on printf shown on SWV ITM Data Console?Something like not, would be cool to be implemented?

Using SD card with STM32F72CBT6

Hı ı am using spi1 one for to write log to sd and using uart2 interrupt to get gps data. But today when ı checkup the rxbuffer ı see nothing . when ı close " fresult = f_mount(&fs, "/", 1); "it startted to read again how it is possible.Also ı am usin...

SWD on ITM data Console H755 400Mhz not work

Hi,I need help for this problem :printf to ITM console doesn't work on nucleo-h755ZI-Q with core clock configured at 400mhz and serial wire configured with the same clock value. The function "__io_putchar" is called, but no data is printedThe same pr...

GPHIL.1 by Associate II
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How to efficiently debug/monitor STM32 memory usage

Hello. I have been programming for a couple of years but never really used proper debugging/monitor tools. I have been using printf method for debugging most of my projects.I am now learning about different and more powerful debugging tools that are ...

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LPetr.1 by Senior II
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software packege

I have seen the  @Peter BENSCH 's  Window > Preferences > Network connections solition but I couldn't fix the problem. I can't generate code because of this error. How can I fix it ? Have somebody ever encountered like this problem ?   

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aykutz by Associate
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Image processing on stm32f407

Hi,I am currently working on an object-tracking project on a stm32f407 board. I am using an OV7670 CMOS camera and a 16-bit TFT LCD display. I am able to carry out DMA transfer for transferring dcmi->DR values to FMSC address space, thereby being abl...

f103RB can bus transmit error

Hello staff,I'm trying can bus interface on dev board nucleo-f103RB. I immediately pass the self-loop test mode and move on to build a minimal CAN with 2 nodes(2 f103RB, one as transmitter and the other as listener). I'm using normal communication mo...

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CWang.14 by Associate II
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