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I'm using the stm32f429 discovery, I made a PWM control and tested it with a potentiometer and it worked as expected with 1mhz. Now I need to do the temperature control, I'm using a MAX31865 with PT100 and heating a resistance with the PWM output (th...
In the case of normal CAN, the mailboxes were full and to send more than 3, use HAL_CAN_GetTxMailboxesFreeLevel(hcan) != 3In the case of DF CAN there are no mainboxes but FIFO or Queue mode, how do I empty it in DF CAN? without using delay and of cou...
What way does ST recommend to copy a project without making errors?
hi, I'm using a discovery stm32f429 together with the STM32CubeIDEI would like to know why when I use while to wait for the mailbox:while (HAL_CAN_GetTxMailboxesFreeLevel(&hcan1) != 3){// Wait until all transmission buffers are free}the debug does no...
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