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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.18.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 1.18.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.18.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX 6.14.0: Added the support for STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers in the STM...

HAL_Delay() affecting function execution times

Hi,I'm trying to measure the execution time of an algorithm using the Cortex-M7 on a Nucleo-H745ZI-Q. I'm measuring the execution time using a GPIO pin and the DWT cycle counter register. Here's the form this profiling takes in my while (1) loop.I'm ...

stn by Associate
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Resolved! Frustrated at the staring post

Today, I tried installing CubeIDE so I could get a sample project up and running to evaluate against a Nucleo 144 board.  This is my second attempt, and both times I get this error.  Nothing in the manual, cannot find nothing on Google either.  The I...


Resolved! SPI master interrupt issue

Recently working with spi communication in stm32g070rb using stm32CubeIDE (HAL library).SPI master receive interrupt triggered continuosly when there is no interrupt.But same code wrote in SPI slave its works perfectly.I also put Pull down resistorso...

vignesh1 by Associate III
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upgrading FreeRTOS in CubeMXIDE

FreeRTOS is currently at 11.0.  The version in CubeMXIDE is 10.3.1.  There are some good features in 11.0 I'd like to use, so the following questions:11.0 is supposed to be a drop in replacement for 10.6.1  I'd do a download, unzip the files, and jus...

Gitignore in CubeIDE. What files do you like to ignore?

Which files/folders to you like to put in .gitignore ?I tend to put: Debug and Release because I'm happy to rebuild on new platforms. But, I also put Drivers and Middlewares since they can also be sourced from ST repos.I'm wondering also how people m...

DJC by Senior
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Loading problem with STM32CubIDE_1.14.0

Hi,I'm trying to get running with a STM32F446. I'm using a Nucleo 64 board for now. I've installed CubeIDE on a new computer running Windows 10 and I get Make error 2 and the messages that it can't find gcc and g++. It seems to be a problem with path...

Resolved! Run/Debug don't work

Hi,I've STM32CubeIDE v1.14.1 on a Windows10 PC. I've NUCLEO-G0B1RE board and I've created my workspace with a standard project starting from the NUCELO ioc configuration. I can build the project and upload the .elf file on the uC with STM32CubeProgra...

BRonc.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! NUCLEO-G0B1RE and USB HID function

Hi,I would like to enable the USB HID Device function to the target uC of the NUCLEO board. So I've created a new project, selected the board and added the 2 USB pin configuration:I've also enabled the middleware functions:the clock config seems to b...

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BRonc.1 by Associate III
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