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Hi,I want to start two PWM timers at the same frequency but with an offset of a few 100 us to few ms range but it doesn't appear to work. I've been experimenting with something like this:PCLK1Freq = HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq()*2; TIM3->ARR = (uint32_t)(((...
Hi, I want to enable the global interrupt for TIM3 so that I can recognize when it becimes active (it raises the pin).I've added:if(htim_base->Instance==TIM3){/* Peripheral clock enable */ __HAL_RCC_TIM3_CLK_ENABLE();/* TIM2 interrupt Init */HAL_NVIC...
Hi,I'm working with a STM32F439ZI and want to use the PWM outputs of timer3 & timer4. I want to set a frequency of 50Hz (m_dat.fI) as an example. If I calculate it with the formula below, it results in a frequency of 100Hz instead and I'm not sure wh...
HI,I set TIM5 up to trigger every 1us (APB1 42MHz) with the below function and I expect HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback() to be invoked every 1us but that's not the case. How do I make sure that the callback gets invoked properly?My init function:stati...
Hi,I built a telnet server using lwip on FreeRTOS. I based my code on the LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS example.Now, I want to use the connection to relay/send data to the client from different places in my program but for this, I need to know the st...