User Activity

Is there a recommended minimum SMT package size and power rating for resistor R4 (8R2) please?
I am using TouchGFX Designer standalone and can build and simulate my project ok, but Program and Run Target fails with 'recipe for target '_extflash_' failed' even though STM32CubeProgrammer is connected to the STM32F7508-DK  board that I am using. ...
I created a project using the default port assignments for the STM32MP157D-DK1 board in STM32CubeIDE v1.16 and was able to build it successfully. Following the example of the STM32MP157 Workshop videos I used Device Tree Compiler to create .dtb files...
I am able to successfully install and build the SNK1M1_Sink example project from X-CUBE-TCPP.I then opened the .ioc file and make the recommended changes to the HAL timebase source (I selected TIM2 as TIM1 was greyed out) and set USE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT...
On launch the STM32CubeMon-UCPD icon appears briefly in the dock and then disappears. The application does not launch.