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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 1.17.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.17.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX: Added the support for the STM32N6 seriesAdded the support for ...

Resolved! Indexer crash

I'm failing to get the indexer working correctly.So far I've tried several solutions regarding paths definition and Eclipse memory sizes allocation. All of them leading to the same error for all the files in my project. See an extract of the .log fil...

O'li by Associate II
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ADC value is not being read

Hi all, I am new to stm32cube ide and this is my first project. I am currently working on stm32f103c8. I am taking the input from ADC1 pin PA0 which is connected to a potentiometer. I am controlling LEDs through a potentiometer and a button. The prob...

Resolved! Compiler can't find files, even though paths are included

I am trying to implement TinyUSB in an STM32CubeIDE project. My current problem, where I am quite stuck, is that the compiler can't find functions located in the TinyUSB folder tree. Example: ../Core/Src/main.c:176: undefined reference to `tusb_init'...

EThom3_0-1702132473439.png EThom3_1-1702133262402.png
EThom.3 by Associate III
  • 2 replies
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Hello, I would like some advice. I have created an http web page which can only be accessed if on the same network. But what if I want to access a web page outside the network? What do I have to do? From my research, a forward port is used to allow e...

non by Associate III
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How to use multiple Timers?

how to use multiple timers in stm32f746zg,i am using timer1 and timer4 as PWM generate and i am using timer2 for sdcard but it is not working that controller get struck and again i want to re-upload the code if the press the reset button also it is n...

Debug File

Hi everyone !I want to move my project to cubemonitor application. So there should be a DEBUG FILE and it have to include a file with elf extension but i can not find any debug file or a file with elf extension. Could you help me to fix that problem?