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Forum Posts

LSM6DSO32 device id 0x00 after few hours

Hi all,We got odd issue with LSM6DSO32 IMU on our device. After like 6-10 hours of working it begins to not response correctly and it stays until completely power replug. Our code tries do reinitiate IMU when it happens, but within that "frezze" stat...

mpopko by Associate II
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Some problems about ism330dhcx

Hi, stNow I've found some new problems.​Sometimes the value read from who AMI register will be 0x48. After finding this problem, I suspect that the connecting wire is unstable. After replacing the DuPont wire, the value read back to normal (0x6b). I ...

6June.1 by Associate II
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Hi All,I am currently working on a health tracker/monitor project that utilizes the LSM6DSOX sensor, interfaced with the nRF5340 platform and running Zephyr. So far, I have successfully implemented tilt and tap detection features.As the next step in ...

Resolved! Using 'libiio' to read Accelerometer data from the IMU

 We want to use iio buffers to read accelerometer data. I tried the following, but it did not work. root@FAFUSION:/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device2# ls buffer current_timestamp_clock events in_accel_scale_available in_accel_y_raw mount_matrix of_...

ISM330DLC reading Registers failed Python

I am reaching out regarding an issue I am experiencing while reading register values from the ISM330DLC sensor using a Python script over SPI. Specifically, I am encountering incorrect data when accessing certain registers.For example, when reading t...

LT by Associate
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