MEMS (sensors)

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LSMDSOX + Profimems ((STEVAL-MKI109V3)

I have been trying to log data using LSMDSOX + Profimems, but it does not record any data. I have attached pictures of this. I have not updated the firmware, and I am using Ubuntu 22.04. I have exported the data to a file, and it is empty.   

Screenshot from 2024-08-29 15-52-04.png PXL_20240829_221637248.jpg Screenshot from 2024-08-29 15-54-59.png Screenshot from 2024-08-29 15-52-04.png

MEMS Studio - debug

I am using MEMS studio version 1.3. If I use an arbitrary timer when debugging the FSM, then according to the specification the timer value should change with each new incoming data sample. But will the value change after three or four samples? Does ...

DanPro by Associate
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Mems configuration on Custom Board

Hello,     after experimenting MEMS sensors with the IKS4A1, I developed a custom board based on STM32F407 CPU with the LSM6DSV16XTR accelerometer+gyroscope and LIS2MDLTR magnetometer.The aim is to get board inclination and compass information with t...

MRaff.1 by Associate III
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ASM330LHB fault detection in dynamic conditions

1.Shall ASM330LHB able to detect the sensor(Gyro and Accelerometer) fault in dynamic(not stationary) conditions and send the information to Host?. Self test will give fault information but it is applicable only in stationary conditions.2.If above is ...

Calibration Method for IIS3DWB Accelerometer

Hi All,I’ve been reading up on accelerometer calibration and noticed that many application notes suggest using an ODR (Output Data Rate) of 100 Hz, gathering 5-10 seconds of raw data, and then applying a least squares method for calibration. However,...

stBob by Associate
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IMU Yaw drift issue with BHI160B (9DoF) using ST MCU.

Hi Team,We are working on BHI160B BOSCH IMU sensor using STM32L053R8 board. We can read the Quaternions, calculate RPY. But now we are finding a Yaw drift issue with that IMU. Could an expert from ST help us solve this technical issue?Also, Is there ...

VB.4 by Associate II
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tap detection query in lsm6dso

I want the tap detection to work only in x axis, so I have set the TAP_Y_EN and TAP_Z_EN to 0.But still im able to see in the logs like interrupt from z and y. I'm using the api lsm6dso_tap_detection_on_y_set, lsm6dso_tap_detection_on_z_set and passi...

Varsha by Associate III
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Resolved! MEMSMIC1 32 kHz sample rate

Hi, When I input 32000 (32 kHz) into the AUDIO_IN_SMAPLE_FREQUENCY macro within cca02m2_conf.h The advanced tab within microphone properties is lost, not allowing me to select 32 kHz, 16 bit input. I have noted that when entering 48 kHz and 16 kHz as...
