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lsm6dsl continuous mode with timestamps pattern unstable

Hi guysI configured the FIFO mode in LSM6DSL to extract the timestamps and Accel and gyrodata, and the data can be extracted properly. ​Since I now prefer to extract data consistently from the fifo for a long time, I switched to FIFO continuous mode...

jb by Associate II
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VL53L1X: temperature and repeatability

Hi friends,I want to measure the distance to an obstacle (120 mm) with the VL53L1X, but I am having problems with the repeatability.NOTE: I measure 10 times to get a sample and I repeat every 10 seconds.These are the results... The distance measured ...

0690X000008iFiFQAU.png 0690X000008iFmaQAE.png 0690X000008iFmfQAE.png

LSM303AGR Magnetometer interrupt occurs on ODR(10Hz) set instead it should occur on value changed beyond Threshold(100) set.Please see my magnetometer Register configurations

I have taken LSM303AGR Driver for development mentioned on this link: am getting issue of interrupt occurs at ODR time instead i require this interrupt should...

APate.19 by Associate II
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VL53L1X-SATEL does not work on breadboard

I have VL53L1X-SATEL - Breakout board, I have successfully tested it on Arduino Uno/Mega using Sparkfun's Library ( . Now, when I connect the sensors's I2C lines on breadboard It doesn't wo...

Sensor tile soldering problem

Any known issues with soldering a STLKT01V1 (sensor tile ) to the small carrier board?I did this, and now it does not work (no jtag) it worked prior with large boardI do not want to destroy a 3rd board!

delli by Associate II
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LSM6DSO inclinometer

Hi,I was playing around with Unico and I saw it has an inclinometer function. Is the code for that window available:? I tried an implementation with Kalman filter, but the Unico seems to show the angles much better.Regards,Gabriel

LSM6DSL selftest thresholds

Hi, we are using LSM6DSL, and we are developing the self-test procedure. The Self-test algorithm for LSM6DSL is described in AN5040 Application note, but we don't know the values |min(ST_X)|, |max(ST_X)|,|min(ST_Y)|, |max(ST_Y)||min(ST_Z)|, |max(ST_Z...

massimo2 by Associate II
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STEVAL-WESU 1 design files

Hello,I'm developing a product starting from the WESU eval product. I see on the webpage the pdf with the schematics and the gerber files for production, but unlike other eval boards I cannot find the design project. Could you please provide it? Than...