2019-09-12 5:03 PM
I have configured the part to do 8 bit reads of Acceleration and Gyro. Using the FIFO in continuous mode with a watermark of about 1700. I am using I2C interface.
First I determine the number of words in the FIFO.
Read both the high and low bytes of the FIFO for the number of words -> This works fine
Now I read the high byte register continuously and then the low byte register continuously (multiple sequential reads without address in between) -> This gives me weird results.
What am I doing wrong ?
2019-09-16 7:10 AM
Hi @GRagh , I don't know if I'm catching the point... You are filling the FIFO in continuous mode and, when the threshold is reached, the data are read in MSB+LSB pr in multiple MSB and multiple LSB mode... right? Did you maybe set the BDU bit in reg CTRL3_C (12h)?
2019-09-16 8:09 AM
See also https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000BB03dHSQR/fifo-corruption-on-lsm6dsm
Is there some worked demo code that shows the FIFO working, and stresses it?
2019-09-18 11:12 AM
I did the following experiment. Gyro ODR is 416 Hz, Accel ODR is 416 Hz and FIFO ODR is 416 Hz.
I read the register FIFO_STATUS3 (0x3C) to see the order of data coming from FIFO. I expect to see 0,1,2,3,4,5,0,1,...
This happens correctly for a while. After about 100k samples, I see the following coming out the FIFO_STATUS3 register:
How can I get numbers like 223 and 194 ? This happens at various times sometimes soon and sometime after a lot of samples (~100k+). This happens for a variety of gyro/accel ODR and FIFO ODR combinations. I have tried 3-4 variations and all of them die. I have also tried 16 bit and 8 bit combinations with the same result.
Do you have any thoughts on how to fix this or avoid this problem ? I don't mind checking this and throwing away some data but how do i know that this does not happen for say 1000 samples in between - which would make my data have large gaps.
Please advise