In the VL53L1X ultra lite driver, VL53L1X_SetROICenter and VL53L1X_GetROICenter treat the ROICenter as a single unsigned 8-bit number. Am I correct in assuming this is a SPAD count starting in the top left corner and progressing in a row fashion acro...
I'm using stm32cubeIDE and I got nothing more than the STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.2.1's libraries (stm32l0xx_hal_i2c) to help me. I'm on the i2c1 interface on PB8 and PB9 ports. I think the problem is that I don't know how the flags works.
Hello everyone,I am trying to load an example .bin file obtained from 'Environmental_Monitoring', an example application present in 'en.stsw-bfa001v1' software package for STEVAL-BFA001V1B predictive maintenance kit. However when I connect the USB ca...
I'm trying to capture audio data such that I could process it and create spectrograms. So far I'm able to create frequency domain graphs with my device using fast fourier transform. But my true goal would be to capture enough data to create wav files...
Q-1. This is regarding AIS328DQ, how to set threshold value in INT1_THS. in application note they set 350mg and in register it is 0x16. how they claculated 0x16. Q-2 What is the use of High pass cutt off frequency and how to selectt it.
Hi,I interfaced LIS3DSH with Nordic controller(PCA10040). I am facing following issues:Data is repeating in Y-Axis.Data is coming 0 for 3 times continously in I2C read buffer.In X-axis same data is coming for 4 seconds data like 1964please suggest an...
Hi ,i am trying to capture accelerometer data from LIS3DSH triaxial sensor using NORDIC nrf5232 Soc., via i2c for a configuration of 1600 samples/sec. as it supports two slave address 1D & 1E .when i configure for 1d and capture data is not coming ...
Hello,Qualcomm links to an outdated repository for LSM6DS3+ chips.1)Where is the new repository ?2)Equivalent repo for the new LSM6DSR ?