How to change LSM6DSOX SPI MODE?
Hi,The datasheet says the device is capable of SPI MODE 0 and 3, the default mode is 3. How does one change it to SPI MODE 0? Is it a hardware or software change?Thanks.
Hi,The datasheet says the device is capable of SPI MODE 0 and 3, the default mode is 3. How does one change it to SPI MODE 0? Is it a hardware or software change?Thanks.
The archive downloaded here contains projects for various IDEs, including the STM32CubeIDE.
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Hi,I am trying to make the interrupt work on the the Y-Axis, X-Axis, or Z-Axis.Here are the outputs I am getting. Threshold set to 960 mg. So when it gets bellow that threshold I am looking for an interrupt on the Z-axis. 0.280: Acceleration [mg]:14....
Hi. Based on the temperature sensor i would also love to know what form of medium would be best for communicating the temperature to the microcontrollers, and their reasons. Thanks