2020-02-06 3:38 PM
I have been using AlgoBuilder-Unicleo successfully using the Nucleo-L476RG/IKS01A3.
Configuration is Win 10 in a virtual machine on a Mac Pro. STM32Cube IDE 1.2.0
On the other hand, I have been compiling and downloading pro-mode examples using CUBE IDE and the USB-DFU, including the DataLogExtended, which connects and works with Unicleo.
My problem is that when I generate an app using AlgoBuilder, especially for SensorTile Box, and DFU it successfully using the USB-DFU bootloader, it will flash, and the USB port does turn into STM32 Virtual ComPort in FS Mode (as when I flash DataLogExtended) but Unicleo will fail to connect, stating that the port is already in use.
I am attaching some screen shots.
2020-02-11 2:41 AM
Would you please try to disconnect the battery thus restart the MCU after programming from AlgoBuilder application.