MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

LIS2DH Interrupt for 6D movement detection

Hi,I am trying to make the interrupt work on the the Y-Axis, X-Axis, or Z-Axis.Here are the outputs I am getting. Threshold set to 960 mg. So when it gets bellow that threshold I am looking for an interrupt on the Z-axis. 0.280: Acceleration [mg]:14....

Temperature sensors

Hi. Based on the temperature sensor i would also love to know ​what form of medium would be best for communicating the temperature to the microcontrollers, and their reasons. Thanks

NKenn by Associate
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Problems getting started with Sensor Tile

I am having a hard time getting started with the SensorTile and need some help. I am using CubeMx (v5.3.0) for the STM32L476JGYx selection, and observe the following result when I try to debug -Here is the error message:Here is the test setup:Thought...

0690X00000AppBWQAZ.png 0690X00000AppCKQAZ.jpg
Justin1 by Senior
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How to use UNICO with a custom MCU board?

I am trying to connect to a custom STM32L433-based development board ( which is connected to an LSM6DSOX using UNICO, and while I can see the COM port in UNICO, when I t...

KWine by Senior
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LIS2DH12: 6d movement detection

I'm using LIS2DH12 and trying to implement 6d movement detection.Below is my present flow on startup.Set ODR to 25Hz in CTRL_REG1Enable i1_ia1 in CTRL_REG3Set full scale to 2g in CTRL_REG4Set aoi to 0 and remaining bits to 1 in INT1_CFGSet threshold ...

How to interface LP22HB in SPI?

I'm using with cubemx the additional sotfware X-CUBE_MEMS1 with Terminal data logger and chose the mems LP22HB on a nucleo F401RE.When I do it in I2C it's working fine.No I configure the LP22HB in SPI with CS on GND. And connect for SPI. I configurat...