VL53L0X MBED libraries
Where to find the VL53L0X MBED libraries ?
Where to find the VL53L0X MBED libraries ?
I am using LIS3DH accemelator to acuqire gravity data. The MCU is NXP MKL16. LIS3DH's pin8 CS is set to high level to communicate with I2C protocol, and pin7 SA0 is set to connect to GND. The SCL and SDA pins are pull up with 4.7K resisttors. After ...
Using LSM6DSM and LSM6DSOX in Mode 2 with LIS2MDL and LPS22HB slaves. Can toggle between passthru and master modes to idle slave sensors to cut power with the LSM6DSM. But with LSM6DSOX I see ~2.5 mA pulse at ~4 second intervals due to LIS2MDL.LIS2MD...
I am trying to configure the LIS2DH12 to send free-fall interrupts but I have not been able to successfully see any interrupts. Here are the register values that I set:CTRL1(0x20) = 0x47 (ODR = 50hz, XYZ enabled)INT1_THS(0x32) = 0x40INT1_DUR...
Latest datasheet: DocID17530 Rev 2, December 2016, page 33:https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/lis3dh.pdfLooks like a copy-and-paste error: all the references to "axis" should say "ADC" ?Also, there is no description of the operation of this reg...
Hello, this should be a basic question but I am pretty new in this field. What are the core difference between a 3 and a 4 wir SPIe configuration for LSM6DSOX? Apart from electrical connection, is there any difference in Firmware design, capabilities...
--- More details on MotionEC library ---As described in the previous post, the MotionEC library acquires data from the accelerometer and magnetometer and provides information about the device orientation and movement status based on data from a devic...
We're evaluating the LIS2DH (and -DE) for a very low-power project, and every uA is precious. We only need readings from one axis, so I am curious as to whether disabling the other two axes would result in power savings. I've tried measuring it her...
I've had intermittent success at flashing the firmware provided with the DK for the BlueNRG tile (STEVAL-BCN002V1) when attached to the host board. I can see the image file loading on to the device memory followed by a successful verify and sometime...