Hi, From where can i get vl53lx1 linux kernel driver?Is there any compatibility or modification required in vl53l0x to make it work for vl53l1x.Please clarify me on this.Thanks,
Indeed, the libraries <Wire.h> and Adafruit_TCS34725.h don't exist for IDE Cube MX.I succeeded to wire the sensor with a WEMOS D1 mini Pro board and a coding example form gitHub uploaded from Platform.io
Hello,I am trying to explore the SensorTile.box functionality using Windows and so far I did not have much success getting any information from it. Presently I am trying to use Unicleo GUI to see any data coming out of the box. So I flashed the binar...
Have you a sample code in mbed for read value of accelerometer characteristic from SensorTile.box with X-Nucleo IDB05A1
Hi, I am using LSM6DS3TR-C sensor. In my application, I require two buffers to store MEMS samples. One buffer contains data before the event and second buffer after the event.Currently, I am using continuous-to-FIFO mode for my application and two in...
The LSM6DSOX offers a MLC that calculates powerful features like mean, variance, energy, etc.I did not see a way to just read them from an application processor and use them in my own application. Is it possible to access the results of the feature c...
Dear STM Sensor specialist ..I have a customer who up until now have used 1 LSM6DSLTR on his powerboard.Now they designed a new powerboard with 2 pcs LSM6DSLTR and now they are facing some read out issues.Electrically it is a copy of the old design ...
I am using the mp34dt05-a mems microphone and receive the PDMdata stream. Now I want to do the signal processing as recommended in application note AN5027: "Interfacing PDM digital microphones using STM32 MCUs and MPUs". Thus after receiving the PDM ...
Hi, just want to give some reply on "bugs" I found in my sensortile.box.1. Battery capacity always showing 0% even after loading for 2 days and voltage is showing 3.9V2. The date of my logfiles jumped from 31.12.2019 to 01.01.2000. :)3. The csv files...