MEMS (sensors)

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LSM9DS1 BDU Details

Hi everyone,Does the block data update mode block also the sensor's sampling? Or simply the sensor continues to acquire and the registers are just not updated until the next reading? It's very important to me because I use LSM9DS1 gyroscope and accel...

Burst Reading the LSM6DSM FIFO

I am reading the LSM6DSM FIFO with the accel and gyro enabled. I burst read 12 bytes using the SPI. One output byte to say to read the fifo then 12 input bytes (6 bytes of accel and 6 bytes of gyro). That works great. I tried reading more than 12 byt...

Can't vary duration on LIS3DH fall detection

I have been trying to setup fall detection interrupt on LIS3DH. I can get it to work but only with specific setup. In particular INT1_DURATION values: 0x05 works (but is too short) so my global setup is ok. But with any other duration values, even ju...

VL53L0X problem connecting to Nucleo F401RE

HiI have been working with the Nucleo F401RE + P-NUCLEO-53L0A1 sampling the VL53L0X, and it was working fine. However interfacing the Nucleo F401RE  to another VL53L0X module (

Aharon1 by Associate II
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Using DHT22(AM2302) sensor

Hi,I'm looking for some example how to use the sensor with STM32 and wonder why all of them, which I've found, are based on the loop not on interrupts.The response is 40 bits and it takes up to several milliseconds to read it, so during the time MCU ...