MEMS (sensors)

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Interface ISM330DLC with MEMS Adapter MKI109V3?

Hallo to All,we would like to put the ISM330DLC into a new product in developing, in order to evaluate in REAL TIME the overall vibrations in order to keep the operator in the SAFE OPERATING AREA.The tool is an electrical manual tool, an orbital sand...

FCern by Associate II
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Why does the data-log code furnished with the sensor tile kit not work reliably? I am including all error codes and will copy the complete code if needed. Thanks, Ralph

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00021-g524e8c8 (2019-04-12-08:48) Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read srst_only separate srst_nogate srst_open_drain connect_assert_srst Info : The selected transp...

RTrim.1 by Associate
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Infrasound response of MP34DT06J ?

Hi, do you have data and information about infrasound characteristics of MP34DT06J ? I looked at its frequency response in the data sheet, but information is being plotted starting from 100 Hz only. I'm using the CCA02M2 board.Many thanks!

MSant.11 by Associate III
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SensorTile Datalog to SD cannot reach 500 Hz?

I am using STSW-STLKT01_V2.1.1 package Datalog project to program the sensortile. It works perfectly at 200Hz logging acc+ gyro+ Magnetometer data. I disabled all other sensors. However, if I increase the logging frequency to 500 Hz, it work for 5 se...

JWu.3 by Associate
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Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)

Hello,Trying to enter in DFU mode with the STM32CubeProg tool I get an unknown USB device error whenever I connect the to my computer.The installation of the STM32CubeProg tool included the ST-LINK drivers and the usbser port driver pa...

GRobl by Associate II
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Values from A3G4250D gyroscope have random ~1dps jumps

Hello, we're using A3G4250D in our project, and get data from it successfully in the stream mode, but, it accured, that from time to time there are random steps in the output data, and we have no clue on what can cause them. Did anyone meet such issu...

RZhar.1 by Associate
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IIS2DH datasheet : soldering information unclear

in the datasheet in section 3.1, it is mentioned to leave "pin 1 indicator" unconnected during soldering. Can this be clarified? Pin 1 is a functional pin and is always connected for a clock signal. How can we use this device if it is not allowed to...

LScho.1 by Associate
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LSM6DSOX : FSM interruption working only once after flashing. When I turn off and turn on again the device, the FSM does not work anymore ... Did I make a mistake in FSM configuration ?

Hello,I use the accelerometer LSM6DSOX. I want to get an interruption when the norm is above 8g. So I try to use the FSM and configure it. When I flash (for the first time) the system, everything works perfect ! But when I remove my battery and put i...