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LSM6DSL SPI read as in tsw-fcu001.html

Hi I was looking at how a register read works for LSM6DSL found the function below. Does the number/amount of __asm("dsb\n") correspond to SPI clk?Is there no easier way to do this? Like using ...

MK..1 by Associate III
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LIS2MDL embedded temperature sensor

Hello,I try to use LIS2MDL embedded temperature sensor value, thru TEMP_OUT_L_REG and TEMP_OUT_H_REG. Data is signed 16-bit byte in 2’s complement and 8 LSB / °C. The four mostsignificant bits contain a copy of the sign bit.At room temperature I read...

Resolved! How do I program STEVAL-MKI109v3

Hi,I have STEVAL-MKI109v3 board and steval-mki186v1 sensor. I need some source code or library code which I can use to write a application which meets my requirements. And I also want to know which IDE I should be using to write the application so th...

AV B.1 by Associate II
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IIS3DWB SDO behaviour on multi-slave SPI bus (will it work?)

Hi All,We are implementing a custom PCB which includes an ISS3DWB which sits alongside an EEPROM chip on the same SPI bus. The bus master is a STM32F405. The design will has separate CS pins for each device, chances are the EEPROM will only be commun...

IBoddy by Associate
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lsm6dsox datasheet missing informations

Hi there,After playing around with basic examples for the lsm6dsox sensor i am trying to fine tune its functionality to my exact needs. However the datasheet seems to lack information on these:#1: Does writing the SW_RESET bit of CTRL3_C register res...

RDyla.1 by Associate
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LSM6DS3 FIFO Corruption

I am writing a custom linux driver module to be able to read accelerometer and gyroscope data from the LSM6DS3 FIFO in blocks.I have set the fifo watermark to 512 words, ODR for accel, gyro and FIFO both set to 416Hz. Scale 8G and 250dps. As there is...

MDSeon by Associate
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Resolved! IIS3DWB: how to detect over range

Hi,I'm using the IIS3DWB accelerometer to get triaxial waveform.I just want to know what is the best approach to detect over range.I tried to compare sample by sample in each channel with the maximum possible positive value (>32766) and the maximum n...


Could you please provide information about the output data rate (ODR) for the IIS2DLPCTR accelerometer?For example, if I want an ODR of 50Hz in High Performance mode, with BW=ODR/2, how accurate is the 50Hz ODR?  Similarly, if I use the single data c...

NBerr.1 by Associate II
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calibration of accelerometer and gyro in lsm6d

we are using LSM6DSV16x sensor with nrf5340 dk board , wea are getting values like this ACC[mg]:x:-157.50,y:-30.74,z:981.00GYRO[mdps]:x:-700.00,y:-140.00,z:420.00,please help in calbration to get accurate values of  sensor .