2020-07-02 2:12 AM
I'm using the lsm9ds1 as part of a bought module - the arduino nano 33 ble - which can achieve very low power (micro amps) in a power down mode.
However, If I initialize and read accel and gyro data from the IMU, afterwards I can't find a way to get back to those low values and I get stuck in the milliamps.
What sequence of writes should I send to the LSM registers in order to power it down as much as possible?
I'm currently using this sequence for the power down:
LSM9DS1_CTRL_REG3_M = 0x03
LSM9DS1_CTRL_REG1_G = 0x00
NOTE- the mcu communicates with the LSM using i2c.
2020-07-06 1:24 AM
Hi @PRebo.1 , the register settings seem OK... are all the other register to zero 00h or in their default configuration? I suggest you to try to pass through a SW reset by enabling the SW_RESET bit in CTRL_REG8 (22h) register. You can also check the standard C mems drivers on Github for the LSM9DS1 module (LINK).
* @brief Software reset. Restore the default values in user registers.[set]
* @param ctx_mag Read / write magnetometer interface definitions.(ptr)
* @param ctx_imu Read / write imu interface definitions.(ptr)
* @param val Change the values of sw_reset in reg CTRL_REG8.
* @retval Interface status (MANDATORY: return 0 -> no Error).
int32_t lsm9ds1_dev_reset_set(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx_mag, stmdev_ctx_t *ctx_imu,
uint8_t val)
lsm9ds1_ctrl_reg2_m_t ctrl_reg2_m;
lsm9ds1_ctrl_reg8_t ctrl_reg8;
int32_t ret;
ret = lsm9ds1_read_reg(ctx_imu, LSM9DS1_CTRL_REG8, (uint8_t*)&ctrl_reg8, 1);
if(ret == 0){
ctrl_reg8.sw_reset = (uint8_t)val;
ret = lsm9ds1_write_reg(ctx_imu, LSM9DS1_CTRL_REG8,
(uint8_t*)&ctrl_reg8, 1);
if(ret == 0){
ret = lsm9ds1_read_reg(ctx_mag, LSM9DS1_CTRL_REG2_M,
(uint8_t*)&ctrl_reg2_m, 1);
if(ret == 0){
ctrl_reg2_m.soft_rst = (uint8_t)val;
ret = lsm9ds1_write_reg(ctx_mag, LSM9DS1_CTRL_REG2_M,
(uint8_t*)&ctrl_reg2_m, 1);
return ret;
2020-07-06 2:24 AM
Thank you.
In the end the problem was elsewhere.