MEMS (sensors)

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How do I flash original Sensortile mobile app code?

When I received the Sensortile chip, it had the mobile app code flashed on it.I was working on developing on the Sensortile chip, so I flashed my own .bin file onto the chip using ST-LINK Utility.Now I want to revert back to the mobile application co...

FLee.1 by Associate
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Is there another driver to get BOTH data buffer instead of VL53L1_GetRangingMeasurementData()? This one ONLY returns one result then I can't calculate a "shift" by using just one sensor.

VL53L1_GetRangingMeasurementData() ONLY returns data[0] buffer as result. It means that I will get just the result of ONLY one of the two sensor in the matrix. I'm trying to implement your "people counter" posted on youtube (

SLomb.1 by Associate
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How to completely power down the lsm9ds1?

I'm using the lsm9ds1 as part of a bought module - the arduino nano 33 ble - which can achieve very low power (micro amps) in a power down mode. However, If I initialize and read accel and gyro data from the IMU, afterwards I can't find a way to get ...

PRebo.1 by Associate II
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Battery level using bluepy and FP-SNS-ALLMEMS2

HelloI had download the firmware FP-SNS-ALLMEMS2 on my STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1. From de app I can read the batery level, and I want to do the same with my raspberry and using bluepy. I have a script where I read the temperature and humidity values, so I wan...

NMart.1 by Associate III
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How to save calibration data on VL53L3CX?

Hi,my name is Vincenzo.I would like to: perform the 3 calibrations ( RefSPAD, XTalk and Offset) for my three VL53L3CX ToF sensors (i have a P-NUCLEO-53L3A2);SAVE the calibration data and then APPLY them before to start the measurement. I have perfor...

VNava by Associate III
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Hi, I'm trying to program my STN32G431RB in order to work with the sensor HTS221, I write the code but I don't know if it's correct, I would be really grateful if someone could tell me.

 while (1) {  /* USER CODE END WHILE */ for (int i=0; i<11; i++) { buf1[i]=0x0; } for (int i=0; i<11; i++) { buf1[i]=0x0; } for (int i=0; i<11; i++) { buf2[i]=0x0; } for (int i=0; i<11; i++) { buf3[i]=0x0; } for (int i=0; i<11; i++) { buf4[i]=0x0; } ...

MBalu.1 by Associate
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Resolved! tap detection doesn't work

Hello, I am trying to use the LSM to detect taps . I use the default configuration which suggested in the application notes : 1. Write 60h to CTRL1_XL // Turn on the accelerometer   // ODR_XL = 417 Hz, FS_...

DLich.1 by Associate
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VL53L3CX Accuracy

I have been experimenting with the X-NUCLEO-53L3A2 and have grabbed some quick measurements to see what the accuracy looks like. I am using it the range of 100mm-1000mm indoors. I have callibrated it using a white box with white computer paper taped ...
