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Forum Posts

Resolved! VL6180x ECE Threshold, negative convergence time

Hello,We want to set the ECE threshold of the VL6180x.We are following the document DT0034 - VL6180X early convergence estimate implementation.SAMPLE = 119 (reg 0x10A)MAX_CONV = 15 (reg 0x01C)PERIOD = 48 (reg 0x10A)TIME = (SAMPLE + 1) * (24 + 70 + (P...

TCubi.1 by Associate
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Resolved! MotionMC and MotionEC librabries initialization fail

Good afternoon everyone,I currently trying to implement an application with the ECompass feature using MotionEC library (and MotionMC library to improve precision and reliability of the data). My initialization failed (it looks like an infinit loop) ...

Jmong.1 by Associate II
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Compiling application to run not from the start of the flash

HelloI have an steval-stwinkt1 board, that i am trying to enable support for DFU mode.I flashed costume boot loader firmware on to the the start of the flash (0x8000000) that lets you load into another firmware that was uploaded by the DFU mode or to...

IFInc.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Setup for MEMS & Sensor Webinar - Code version error

I downloaded the recent webinar for the MEMS & Sensors MOOC. I've run through labs 1-5 okay but have a code version issue in Lab6.The lab calls for using:  "In X-CUBE-MEMS1/MEMS, Class “Board Component�?: In AccGyr/LSM6DSO Selection I2C"My configurat...

BTrem.1 by Senior II
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LSM6DS3TR as master with LPS22HB connected to I2C as slave

Dear ST, is it possbile to use LPS22HB as secondary sensor connected to LSM6DS3TR I2C master port with automatic readout of LPS22 registers? If yes, could you please recommend some examples / solution suggetsion on this on the firmware side?Thanks in...

krdmitry by Associate II
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