MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

how to enable lsm6dsl i2c master,

When I enable lsm6dsl I2C as master , both lines are going to gnd. lsm6dsl_sh_master_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE);any tip on using lsm6dsl sensor hub, thanks

SRabi.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! LIS3DH High Resolution Threshold

Hi Community,I am using Lis3dh sensor in 50HZ ODR, High Pass filter enabled with cut-off frequency 0.1 HZ with full scale range 8G and FIFO is enabled and set FIFO-to-Stream Mode.Case 1: I get interrupts for small events Normal Mode(HR bit is not set...

HPras by Associate II
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I have been using vl53l1x TOF sensor for finding distance. When I have tested in an open environment. I'm getting very unusual values, I'm not able to understand this values.

Could someone explain me what's going on when this sensor is placed in front of uneven surface such as stairs in open area. i'm attaching images of readings X-axis is sample number and y-axis is distance in mm. Samples are taken for every 100msec. Re...

Aperu.11 by Associate
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VL6180x distance issue

Hi, We are using VL6180X to measure the cyclic movement of a part (a flat, white plastic sheet). The amplitude of this cyclic movement is about 20mm. The distance sensors work fine but we had two recent instances where the distance sensors returned a...

TBoul.1 by Associate
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How do aI specify the .ioc file for X-CUBE-53L3A2?

I have added the X-CUBE-53L3A2 software package to STM32CubeIDE and successfully built and run the SimpleRanging sample application. I now want to make changes to the STM32F401 pin assignements (actually, add a second UART).When I click on the Nucle...

charles23 by Associate III
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