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Is there an example for how to implement an FSM using the mbed library? I found an example FSM on GitHub that I would like to try, but I'm not sure how to implement with the mbed library. Links below.
I have one axis on the LSM6DSO that gives a lot of false positives due to some vibrations on the board. I know there is a way to set the step count and duration thresholds, but is there a way to adjust the sensitivity or motion threshold of just one ...
Is there a tutorial or document that explains how to add the MOTIONAR library to an existing STM32CUBE IDE project? I have tried adding through STM32CUBEMX and also manually adding but I keep running into issues. When I try to manually add I get "fai...
I've been trying to import an mbed os 5 program into stm32cube ide. There seems to be some conflicts within the mbed os 5 library that are causing issues. Has anyone been able to successfully do this? Is there any documentation fort this?