MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

LIS3MDL Linux Driver support

Hi Team,I am trying to add support for magnetometer LIS3MDL module using the following linux driver If I add interrupt in device tree the mod...

AKuma.20 by Associate II
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Resolved! Cannot Link MC Lib into STM32CubeIDE project.

Hi Everyone.I have created a STM32CubeIDE project for the L476 Nucleo.I'm having huge issues trying to link the "MotionMC_CM4F_wc32_ot.a" library into my project.The images are 1) of my file tree structure, and 2) the statement entered into the linke...

kvresto by Senior
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Unicleo and Algobuilder download links

Hi! I am currently trying to download Algobuilder and Unicleo. I tried in different browsers and also on different PCs. The download links are not displayed as expected. CubeIDE was working, I could get the software.

DWind.1 by Associate III
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LSM6DSL interrupt is getting latched after some time.

Hi,I am using LSM6DSL in my project. FIFO is configured for the same and host processor receives the interrupt after FIFO threshold is reached. I have also configured the pulsed mode for the interrupt. After receiving an interrupt, host controller r...

pshin.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Not receiving FIFO threshold interrupt in LSM6DSL

Hello,In my application, I need LSM6DSL to generate an interrupt when configured FIFO threshold is reached. I am using FIFO for accelerometer and gyroscope.My configuration is as below,FIFO_CTRL5 = 0x09 // ODR 12.5 Hz, FIFO modeCTRL3_C = 0x 44 //BDU,...

pshin.1 by Associate II
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Connecting multiple sensors to the STM32 nucleo board

Hello,I want to connect multiple voltage sensors to the nucleo board. Lets say 4 voltage sensors of same kind with same address. So, I thought I could connect all the 4 sensors with the nucleo board with the help of I2C communication protocol. Is thi...

KBana.1 by Associate
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Linux Driver support for LSM6DSM module.

Hi Team,I am working on LSM6DSM sensor bringup in linux kernel-4.9. I am using the following imu sensor driver sources ( The driver is loa...

AKuma.20 by Associate II
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