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Forum Posts

LSM6DSO FIFO with temperature data

Hi!I'm making driver for LSM6DSO, and I'm stuck with temperature data in FIFO. I understand logic for calculating temperature sensor ODR, based on acc/gyro ODRs, but there is small problem: there is no option to set 26Hz data rate for temperature (in...

msemegen by Associate II
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LIS2DE12 current draw

I am using a LIS2DE12 however I can't get the current on the VDD_IO to drop below 25uA.Is there any reason for this?My current settings are:CTRL_REG1 = 0x3FCTRL_REG2 = 0x30CTRL_REG3 = 0x40INT1_CFG = 0x0AINT1_THS = 0x25I am running off a 3V supply.Che...

GRose.2 by Associate
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Resolved! I'd like to read the answers to a community question.

Specifically,'m loged in but all that is shown is the question and a notice that the "This question is closed."Does that mean the question was never answered...

JMatt by Associate II
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Resolved! LPS33WTR Interrupt control

Hi,In the LPS33WTR pressure sensor,I want to program the LPS33WTR FIFO to a certain pressure and configure the interrupt as Threshold-based interrupt.No Where have I found the duration of the Interrupt logic change. I want to use it as a HW trigger o...

SGano.1 by Associate II
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