MEMS (sensors)

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Resolved! Eleon, help, again. Latest firmware for

Hello, Eleon. My app tells be that v3.47 firmware for the is available. The Android app tries to download and install but I never could get that to work properly. Can you post the new v3.47 firmware please.Thanks,Tony

TJM by Senior
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Offset cancellation procedure with LSM303AGR.

I can't figure out the right implementation of LSM303AGR offset cancellation with single measurement mode. If I set to 1 OFF_CANC an OFF_CANC_ONE_SHOT in CFG_REG_B_M, then I have to do 2 readings and apply the Offset cancellation formula? The SET / R...

LCenn.1 by Associate
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Not getting gyro value accurate

LSM6DOXTR , I m reading this sensor by configuring 0x10 and 0x11 modules to 0x60 and 0x60 as show in user guide by ST but  the values I get of accelerometer are correct while gyro value jump to 0 to 255 as I am only reading MSB. LSB is changing rapid...

DBish.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! I2C Bus pull-up resistor for multiple slave devices

Hello,I am using multiple different sensors which require different pull-up resistors. For I2C BUS, I have to use just one pull-up resistor value for all sensors. How can I calculate or decide the resistor value? MCU is STM32WB55.Sensors are VL53L3C...

Reboot and stuck in the LSM6DSO

I am using LSM6DSO sensor to get step and two interrupts. When the sensor runs about 15 minutes, it will stop working and have no reaction. Sometimes it will reboot and the step reset to zero. This is my code for initializing the sensor, is there som...

JXiao.1 by Associate II
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How is temperature (shocks) affecting H3LIS100DL?

I programmed a h3LIS100DL to an interrupt threshold of 4G. Then I breathed on the chip and got an interrupt.I expect it doesn't have a hidden Rh sensor somewhere, so it has to be related to a temperature change. Is there any documentation available o...

PArve.1 by Associate II
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