Hi,we are planning to change current LCD with 10 inch (800*600) TFT Display with TouchGFX and already we are using QSPI flash, do we need additional memory interface (SDRAM/SRAM)?Regards,Adrush
Hello, We are interfaced the nrf52811 with LSM6DSO32 through i2c and LSM6DSO32 is connected to Auxiliary(Temperature MAX30208) sensor through mode 2 connection.here I am able to read the chip id but not able to read the actual temperature data.a...
Hi, I am using STM32F413ZH Discovery Board and trying to reset MCU from the WatchDog timer. So I found there are two WatchDog timer in FreeRTOS IWDG and WWDG. and one example I created with toggling the LED in that I enabled the WWDG timer. after tog...
Hello, I am trying to write data into flash memory location of the STM32F413ZH. So I tried to do in all the 15 sectors, but I am able to write only in the 9 sector of flash memory remaining sectors I am not able to write.I want to know t...