Resolved! How to read WHO_AM_I register value read in LSM6DSOX?
I am trying to read the WHO_AM_I register in LSM6DSOX in that register value is (0Fh) and fixed value is (6Ch) but I am getting 0x00 I don't why can you help me regarding this
I am trying to read the WHO_AM_I register in LSM6DSOX in that register value is (0Fh) and fixed value is (6Ch) but I am getting 0x00 I don't why can you help me regarding this
we want to use VL53L3CX however its driver is too large for MCU, we like VL53L1X Ultra Light Driver idea, is it possible that ST can provide ULD for VL53L3CX ?
Hi,I have a problem with reading the data from accelerometer LSM303DLHC using stm32f401 uc.Here is the code snippet I have extracted from the demo .I was also following the main(void){ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct; RCC_AHB1PeriphClo...
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Hi Team,Am presently looking for GPS + IMU (sensor fusion) module in STM, what is the best GPS + IMU module and why ? Is sensor fusion algorithm is used in IMU module, if not which algorithm is used in that module, please suggest me best Dead reckoni...
Hi, I'm working on a prototype device. It is very compact, battery powered and has a motor inside. I want to know if the offset can be set (during production) to compensate a very strong magnetic field and still be able to detect earth magnetic fi...
What registers do we need to set to generate the minimum motion interrupt on INT1? The picture included contains what we have tried so far.
Hi,I am using IIS3DWB and i am applying FFT on converted mg data. Now how can i find amplitude from FFT data?