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Forum Posts

Reduce LIS2DW12 power consumption at idle

Hello, this project uses the LIS2DW12 to get interrupts from INT1 when activity is detected.Vdd is 3.3V.My goal is to minimize the power consumption when the accelerometer is idle. According to the datasheet.The following commands are run at init.if(...

NBari.2 by Associate
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When can I write to INT1_CFG in the LIS3DH?

I am using the LIS3DH MEMS motion sensor. To generate interrupts when motion exceeds a threshold, I need to set certain flags in the INT1_CFG register (address 0x30). The manual says: Write operation at this address is possible only after system boot...

JHeer.1 by Associate
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Hi, i am using the ST BLE App with a STWIN Starter Kit. The video on the homepage shows the possibility to see the live data and fft analysis. I don't get this in the usage of the app. Can someone please give me a short introduction or show me the manual?

The video on the homepage shows the possibility to see the live data and fft analysis. I don't get this in the usage of the app. Can someone please give me a short introduction or show me where to find the manual?

PReit.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! iis3dwb power consumption is much larger than datasheet?

just power on the chip (with 3.3V, without any software initializing), it shows it consumes 700uA about currentif use reset it by writing SW_RESET in register IIS3DWB_CTRL3_C, the current jumps to nearly 2mA . Per spec, it should consume only 5uA du...

sming.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Whether supports the old STLINK Dongle type. OR I should buy a new STLINK v2 Debugger/ programmer to wok with Iwant to use in pro mode... Kindly provide me a detail instruction how to connect with STM32cube ide as well.

I have vast experience in other controllers. This is the first time I am using STcontroller and STM32 IDE. Is it possible to get a step by step guide to connect and work with this module. I procured Sensor Tile Kit and ST Nucleoboard ST -F401re serie...