MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

LPS22 pressure not accurate or damaged?

Hello,I have made a custom board with lps22hb. I am trying to get accurate pressure but it fluctuates with time. As I plotted a graph showing pressure and temperature I figure there is a direct relationship. I think that according to the datasheet, i...

BDELR.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Data rate vs Data reading rate in mems sensors

Hi,I am configuring the mems sensor data rate as 30hz,So what should be the data reading rate in this case. I mean is it necessary to put a delay after configuring the sensor for reading data continously Or we have to check the status of data ready...

Interfacing with onboard i3g4250d gyroscope on STM32F429i

I have been trying to test and get the gyroscope to communicate via SPI for a bit however it just seems to *refuse* to respond. As per the User manual for the board UM1670, PC1 is CS, PF7 is the serial clock, PF8 is MISO, and PF9 is MOSI all for SPI5...

SAgaz.1 by Associate II
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The marking information of LIS2DHTR

HI sir, we have received the item marking show 702, may i ask you what is it represent since we can't find the marking information from the spec. sheet., thanks.

VICTOR1 by Associate II
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Resolved! AIS1120SX/AIS2120SX Tips and Suggestions

I'm in the process of some development using ST's AIS1120SX Accelerometer, in conjunction with a Nucleo L432-KC development board. I thought I would share some tips and suggestions I have about the accelerometer, as I found it particularly difficult ...

CJeff.1 by Associate
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Resolved! How do you use the .ucf file generated by the UNICO GUI and why do the outputs seem to make no sense, comparing it to the register description found in the data sheet?

I am working with the Sensortile.Box right now. More specifically, I want to configure the pedometer function with the MLC to work with certain configurations. The accelerometer has to be set to 16g Full Scale, because of a fall-detection functionali...

KWern.1 by Associate II
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