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VL6180 always sending VCSEL Watchdog error

Hello,I was designing a board with a VL6180 and was surprised that the 0x4F register never uptaded to tell me that a new measurement was finished.So I looked at the 0x4D register to see that it answered me 0x19. Whitch mean I have a VCSEL continuity ...

SSchm.5 by Associate III
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Resolved! VL53L1CX (DocID031281 Rev 3) question about IOVDD & 2V8 mode XSHUT - needs pull up resistor or can it be direct connected to AVDD?

Question #1:In my system, I have 3.3V available, so I was planning to use that for AVDDVCSEL & AVDD since it is within the range but the I2C interface will run at 1.8V.The 1.8V seems fine from a Vih/Vil point of view. My concern is around IOVDD and 2...

FusionFX and quaternions - stationary drift

Hello, I'm using the FusionFX library(V2.5) to calculate quaternions and therefore estimate an object position. I'm using an X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 that has the  LSM6DSO (ACC + Gyro) and LIS2MDL ( Mag). I'm using an 16G scale in acc and 2000dps in the gro...

PLuze.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! LIS2DTW12 I²C/SPI mode selection

I want to read LIS2DTW12 data using SPI which is also shared with another device, can I use the LIS2DTW12 CS pin as chip select and operate devices one by one.because according to the LIS2DTW12 datasheet:State of CS1: SPI idle mode / I²C communicatio...

Aishwarya by Associate III
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Resolved! LIS2HH12 and IIS2DLPC two's complement temp compared

Hi all,I'm currently deploying hardware that can have either the LIS2HH12 or IIS2DLPCAccording to the datasheet the LIS2HH12 stores the temperature as two's complement / 11 bit / 8 digit per degrees celcius.So I convert it this way:int16_t tilt_read_...

WSpar.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! LSM303AGR SPI operation

Posted on March 01, 2018 at 11:24Hi,I am struggling with moving from the obsolete LSM303D sensor to the LSM303AGR sensor.I had the LSM303D sensor working correctly in continuous mode with the STM32F1 processor using 4 wire SPI mode.But I cannot get ...