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Resolved! LIS3DH Address Changes Post-Config

I am using a LIS3DH breakout board that is exhibiting weird behavior. My I2C master is a STM32L496 board that has been tested OK with other I2C chips.StartupI2C init to 400 KHzScan all possible addresses via HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady() loop Remember add...

jrgert by Associate III
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STEVAL-MKI159V3 , I2C DATA not renewal.

It seems to read the data normally at first.After that, it keeps getting the same data.Moving the sensor does not change the data value.Is there any other command I need to pass before getting the value?I know you are busy, but please reply.upload im...

YKang.3 by Associate II
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LIS2DW12TR acceleration values not returned

I am using the Accel 10 click housing the LIS2DW12TR accelerometer and I want ot run it using a MicroPython program.The code is as follows: .It does not detect the sensor and I am skeptic...

YBend.1 by Associate III
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