MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

ST BLE Sensor App - Android - Sensor fusion

Does the ST BLE Sensor provided on github has the rotating cube code?Do the inputs provided to the rotating cube is coming from the sensor-fusion running on the embedded device or on the App side?Can you please point the code and the source files whi...

darla14 by Senior
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Resolved! Tremendous problems in sourcing ST MEMS parts

We Ordered > 100k parts at the start of February this year: My distributor (EBV) is not even getting a confirmation date, and if something is given by ST, it is far in 2022. (Date today is August 13)ST, what is going on here? Please explain and infor...

MSimo.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! I need to interface STM32 with SMI230 (Bosch's IMU sensor

Hello,I need to interface STM32 with SMI230 IMU sensor is there any libraries or driver for programming, I have found the linux driver for the SMI230, in my use case i am going to use STM32 MCU which cannot run linux OS, so "I need a driver which us...

BM.5 by Associate
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LSM6DSO issues with I3C

LSM6DSO will NACK the broadcast after the RSTDAA sent in the reboot probe sequence.Here is the case to reproduce the issue:1. Only one LSM6DSO is on the I3C bus which is in pure I3C mode.2. The first-time kernel boot after power-up is okay. I3C bus a...


Resolved! LSM9DS1 motion detection functions

Hello! I tried to work with  motion detection function and here is my setup of interrupt pin /* Interrupt pin setup */ lsm9ds1_pin_notification_set(MAG_I2C_ADD, IMU_I2C_ADD, LSM9DS1_INT_PULSED); lsm9ds1_pin_polarity_set(MAG_I2C_ADD, IMU_I...

Zaren by Associate
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