MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

H3lis331dl producing 0 values

Hi, I'm working on H3LIS331DL MEMS sensor, which is interfaced with PIC microcontroller's SPI. Some sensors are working fine by giving appropriate value in all 3 axis,  but for same configuration and interface i am getting 0 values in all 3 axis in s...

GS by Associate
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Resolved! WHO_AM_I values / readout problems

Hi,I "think" I have a H3LIS331DL (mounted on its back due to hardware issues with the SAMLC21 based prototype and now fixed with glue). I am aware of the obvious changes in accel directions, but just want to get the prototype running. When reading th...

FNied by Associate II
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Resolved! h3lis331dl ID problem

Hi, I have a board with h3lis331dl and asm330 on it. And the 2 sensors are weld on the same SPI wire. The MCU uses CS signal to select the sensor it wants to read. everything is going on well with asm330. But when I select h3lis331dl, the read out ID...

YLiu.34 by Associate II
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Resolved! and ST-LINK/V2 programmer adapter and cable

Hi!I found a thread that says thtat the ST-LINK/V2 can be used as in circuit firmware OTA function restore documentation says that the programmer, a  JTAG adapter board V1.0 and a Flat cable to connect JTAG adapter to Sensor...

DWind.1 by Associate III
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How do I communicate via I2C on STEVAL-MKI159V1?

I'm using a Jetson Nano, and am trying to get it running though python. Extreme lack of documentation and references for the board has left be confused.Making the generic connections and running i2cdetect in the terminal, I detect the device at addre...

VVarm.1 by Associate
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