Hi,I'm trying to configure an LSM6DSO (sparkfun breakout), using a TWIM/I2C bus, master device is a nordic NRF52.For the most part, the communications appear to be working. I'm able to configure an interrupt to respond to a single tap. The interrupt ...
Hi,I am developing an application using the accelerometer LIS2DW12. I need detect the single and double tap at the same time and indicate it to the microcontroller via interrupt pin what condition was detected.I have could detect single tap and doubl...
We have performed the self test on two prototype boards,as instructed in this post: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkXegSAF/lis331hh-understanding-self-testThe x and y differences are around 135, which is in the range, but on the z axi...
Hi, I'm using a board which embeds two ST MEMS: ism330dhcx and lis3mdl. I'm exploiting the MotionFX Library to obtain quaternion and rotation. Which is the way to obtain accuracy regarding roll pitch and yaw. I want to understand how close is the val...
PB3 and PB10 are enabled as I2C2_SDA and I2C2_SCL to connect to LIS2DH12 SDA and SCL, the i2c2 code is generated in STM32CubeIDE v1.6.1.PB3 and PB10 have pull-up resistors.LIS2DH12 CS and SD0 are connected to Power Supply 3.3V. The address for it is ...
HI I am using STEVAL-MKI182v2 sensor connected to Nucleo-F446ZE Evaluation board and printing the data and found that there is no any changes between i/p and o/p data even after using the library functions and so i started debugging step by step in t...
Hello, I'm currently using a ST SensorTile.box STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 in Expert Mode (by writing the firmware with the STM32CubeIDE).I configured the SensorTile.box to "publish" data on 3 GATT Characteristics that are quite big (around 180 byte), with the...