2022-09-13 7:39 AM
Dear SIR,
In my application is to use lsm6dsr gyro values.
When the set is in stationary state, sometimes the X component gyro values become large that cause wrong calculation.
It happens randomly and other sets not seen the case currently.
I have no idea to debug it. Any comments are welcome, thanks.
initiates regs with their values as follows,
reg, val
{{0x12, 0x04}, // CTRL3_C, bit IF_INC = b'1(Register add automatically incremented during a multiple byte access with a serial interface
{0x14, 0x60}, // CTRL5_C, Rounding[1:0] = b'11 = gyroscope + accelerometer
{0x16, 0x00}, // CTRL7_G,
G_HM_MODE = b'0, gyroscope high-performance mode enable
HP_EN_G = b'0, HPF disable
HPM_G[1:0] = b'00, gyroscope digital HP filter = 16mHz
OIS_ON_EN = b'0
USR_OFF_ON_OUT = b'0, accelerometer user offset correction block bypassed
OSI_ON = b'0, OIS disable
{0x11, 0x4c}, // CTRL2_G, ODR_G[3:0] = b'100, gyroscope ODR = 104Hz,
FS[1:0]_G = b'11, +/- 2000dps
{0x10, 0x40}, // CTRL1_XL, ODR_[3:0] = b'100, XL ODR = 104Hz
{0x0a, 0x00}, // FIFO_CTRL4, FIFO+MODE[2:0] =b'000, bypass mode, FIFO disable
ODR_T_BATCH[1:0] = b'00, temperature not batched in FIFO
DEC_TS_BATCH[1:0] = b'00, timestamp not batched in FIFO
{0x09, 0x00} // FIFO_CTRL3,
BDR_GY[3:0] = b'0000, Gyro not batched in FIFO
BDR_XL[3:0] = b'0000, Accelerometer not batched in FIFO
{0x0d, 0x00} // INT1_CTRL, not enable INT1
{0x5e, 0x00} // Function routing on INT1, all routing functions to INT1 are disable
{0x56, 0x00} // Tap recognition functions,
all are disable
{0x17, 0x00} // PAGE_RW, all are disable
{0x18, 0x02} } // I2C slave add of the second ext sensor reg, set to b'0000001
what I have tried included